Keyword Search Filters

There are several filters that may be applied to a number of eContext API calls. Each filter should be represented as an object with at least two attributes.

filter:An integer value that specifies the filter to apply.
value:A mixed value containing the parameters to pass in to the filter.
operator:An integer value that is sometimes required specifies the operator to apply on the value.
invert:An optional boolean value which will invert the filter. If, for example, you wanted to retrieve only keywords that were about “Tobacco and Cigarettes” you could use the Keyword Flags filter and invert the filter.

Available Filters

ID Filter Name Description
1 Character Count Filter results based on the character length of keywords
2 Word Count Filter results based on the number of words in each keyword
3 Keyword Flags Filter results based on various Keyword Flags
5 Search Volume Filter results based on monthly search traffic estimates of keywords
6 Intent Flags Filter results based on textual intent of keywords
7 Exclude Terms Filter out results using the provided terms
8 Language Flags (beta) Filter out results based on language

Keyword Flags

ID Flag Name Description
1 Invalid Keyword fails punctuation and composition standards
2 General Keyword fails general banned standards, including obscene language
4 Adult Keyword contains adult content
8 Alcohol Keyword contains content referring to alcohol
16 Fireworks Keyword contains content referring to fireworks
32 Gambling Keyword contains content referring to gambling
64 Prescription Drugs Keyword contains content referring to prescription drugs
128 Tobacco and Cigarettes Keyword contains content referring to smoking, tobacco, or cigarettes
256 Weapons Keyword contains content referring to weapons
512 Brands (beta) Keyword contains content referring to a known brand
1024 Location (beta) Keyword contains content referring to a known location

Intent Flags

ID Flag Name Description
1 Purchase Keywords related to “buying” ideas
2 Comparison Keyword containing comparison ideas
4 Negative Keyword containing negative terminologies
8 Question Keywords expressing questions
16 Coupons Keywords related to “coupon” and “deal” ideas


ID Flag Name Description
0 = Equal to
1 != Not equal to
2 < Less than
3 <= Less than or equal to
4 > Greater than
5 >= Greater than or equal to
10 | Bitwise OR
11 & Bitwise AND


Character Count

The character count filter removes keywords that fall outside of the specified range. The value attribute of this filter specifies a character length limit.

Multiple instances of this filter may be passed in order to define customized ranges. An example of this filter, shown below, limits character length to between 20-30 characters.

The operator attribute is required for this filter.


Filter for character count less than or equal to 30 and greater than or equal to 20.

{"filter":1, "value":30, "operator":3}, // less than or equal to 30
{"filter":1, "value":20, "operator":5}  // greater than or equal to 20

Word Count

The word count filter removes keywords that fall outside of the specified range. The value attribute of this filter specifies a word length limit.

Multiple instances of this filter may be passed in order to define customized ranges. An example of this filter, shown below, limits word length to between 4-7 words.


{"filter":2, "value":4, "operator":5}, // greater than or equal to 4
{"filter":2, "value":7, "operator":3}  // less than or equal to 7

Keyword Flags

The keyword flags filter allows a user to selectively filter out flagged keywords. For example, you could choose to eliminate most banned keywords (but allow keywords relating to alcohol and location).


Filter out all keywords flagged with the specified keyword flags, except for “alcohol” and “location”, identified by flags 8 and 1024, respectively

{"filter":3, "value":[1, 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]}

Search Volume

The search volume filter removes keywords that fall outside the specified range. The value attribute of this filter specifies a monthly search traffic limit.

Multiple instances of this filter may be passed in order to define customized ranges. An example of this filter, shown below, returns keywords with an estimated monthly search volume of 1,000- 100,000.

The operator attribute is required for this filter.


{"filter":5, "value":100000, "operator":3},  // less than or equal to 100000
{"filter":5, "value":1000, "operator":5}     // greater than or equal to 1000

Intent Flags

The intent filter restricts results to those keywords flagged as belonging to certain intent groupings, defined above. A single keyword may contain multiple intent flags.

Multiple instances of this filter may be passed in order to customize the result set. The example, provided below, returns keywords containing the “purchase” and “comparison” intent flags, but excluding the “negative” intent flag. Keywords that match this explicit criteria and contain the “questions” flag will also be included, as they are not explicitly excluded. Keywords containing no intent flags would not be included.


{"filter":6, "value":[1,2], "operator":11},  // require the purchase and comparison flags
{"filter":6, "value":[4], "invert":true}     // exclude the negative flag

Exclude Terms

The exclude terms filter removes keywords containing any of the phrases specified in the filter. You may surround a phrase with double-quotes in order to search more precisely, as shown in the example below.

Please note that using this filter can significantly slow down search times. If you need to enter more than a few terms, you will experience better performance and results by refining your original query term.

By setting the invert operator to “true”, you can filter to show only those terms containing any of the specified words.


The example filters out keywords containing the phrases “javascript”, “c++”, and “php” and also filters out keywords containing the exact word (unstemmed) “worlds”.

{"filter":7, "value":["javascript", "c++", "php", "\"worlds\""]}

Language Flags (beta)

The language filter restricts results to those keywords flagged as belonging to the specified language. Keywords may contain multiple language flags, identified using ISO 639-2 three character language codes.

Multiple instances of this filter may be passed in order to customize the result set. The example, provided below, returns keywords that are flagged as Spanish.

Currently, keywords may be flagged as either English or Spanish. Other language offerings will be available in the future.


{"filter":8, "value":["spa"]}  // Require Spanish

Example Requests

No Filters

A simple request with no filters passed.

curl -X POST -u username:password --data-binary @keywords-search-nofilters.json \
--header "Content-type: application/json"

The contents of @keywords-search-nofilters.json:

    "query": "hello world",
    "type": 1,
    "filters": null

Many Filters

A more complicated keyword search with many filters.

curl -X POST -u username:password --data-binary @keywords-search-filters.json \
--header "Content-type: application/json"

The contents of @keywords-search-filters.json:

    "query": "hello world",
    "type": 1,
    "filters": {
            {"filter":1, "value":30, "operator":3},
            {"filter":1, "value":20, "operator":5},
            {"filter":2, "value":7, "operator":3},
            {"filter":2, "value":4, "operator":5},
            {"filter":3, "value":[1, 2, 4, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512]},
            {"filter":5, "value":100000, "operator":3},
            {"filter":5, "value":1000, "operator":5},
            {"filter":6, "value":[4], "invert":true},
            {"filter":6, "value":[1,2], "operator":11},
            {"filter":7, "value":["javascript", "c++", "php", "\"worlds\""]},
            {"filter":8, "value":["spa"]}