
The eContext API exposes the functionality of the eContext platform to developers via a RESTful API. The general purpose is to provide access to eContext’s hierarchical category structure, or Taxonomy; to allow for real-time classification of data to the taxonomy; and to allow for keyword retrieval from the eContext dataset utilizing rich searching and filtering capabilities.

Taxonomy Overlay

The eContext API can be used to classify content to 3rd party taxonomies, including industry standard taxonomies like the IAB, or custom client specific taxonomies. Contact our Client Services Team to learn more about the standard overlays we support, or commission a custom overlay.

Input Format

The input format to the eContext API is specified using the HTTP Content-Type header (RFC 2616#section-14.17). A Content-Type of application/json is preferred, and there is no guarantee that other Content-Types will be honored.

Output Format

The output format is generally set by using the HTTP Accept header (RFC 2616#section-14.1). The default output format for the eContext API is JSON (application/json). As the default output format, all examples in this documentation are displayed using JSON.

The following output formats are currently supported: